The Lying Lens: A Selective Glossary of Image Manipulation
EIKON Schauraum Museumsplatz 1 / Q21 MuseumsQuartier, 1070 Wien
: Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Azadfallah Jamile, Brandizzi Costanza, Buda Dominik, Ehs Josefine, Fashchevska Anastasiia, Kanter Eginhartz, Kim Minjae, Köck Matthias, Liatskaia Katherina, Pacher Isabella Andrea, Peter Walde & Carlo Zappella, Picker-Schiebel Ismael, Schörghuber Valentin, Schule Friedl Kubelka, Toferer Nicole, Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Zlotover Lily
: Nela Eggenberger
This exhibition is a cooperation between the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, the Friedl Kubelka School for Artistic Photography, and the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Please check the website of the organizer for current information and possible program changes.
Please check the website of the organizer for current information and possible program changes.
Thu 2 PM—6 PM
Fri 2 PM—6 PM
Fri 2 PM—6 PM
: Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Azadfallah Jamile, Brandizzi Costanza, Buda Dominik, Ehs Josefine, Fashchevska Anastasiia, Kanter Eginhartz, Kim Minjae, Köck Matthias, Liatskaia Katherina, Pacher Isabella Andrea, Peter Walde & Carlo Zappella, Picker-Schiebel Ismael, Schörghuber Valentin, Schule Friedl Kubelka, Toferer Nicole, Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Zlotover Lily
: Nela Eggenberger
This exhibition is a cooperation between the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, the Friedl Kubelka School for Artistic Photography, and the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Please check the website of the organizer for current information and possible program changes.
Please check the website of the organizer for current information and possible program changes.